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Benefits of cinnamon in "dieting"

Cinnamon and honey to lose 3 kilos of weight per week
Cinnamon and honey, both of which help lose about 3 kilograms of weight per week, provided you drink cinnamon and honey twice a day. The mixture of cinnamon and honey is effective in stimulating the rate of metabolism and increase fat burning in the body.

Cinnamon and honey to lose 3 kilos of weight per week

Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey in Slimming

Drinking cinnamon and honey helps reduce weight in a record time, compared with a certain diet regimen. It limits appetite and prevents fat formation and accumulation in different parts of the body, even if you continue to eat high-calorie foods.
The mixture of cinnamon and honey helps lose at least an inch of waist circumference and buttocks, and helps cleanse and soften the bowel.

The benefits of cinnamon mixture are healthy honey

Cinnamon and honey to lose 3 kilos of weight per week

• This body cleanses the body of bacteria, especially the digestive system, and strengthens the immune system.
• Calms and improves mood, and also supplies the body with the energy it needs.
• Reduces cholesterol in the body and protects the heart and arteries from a range of diseases.
• Treats eyelids and corneal infections.
• Eliminates microbes, fungi and viruses; it contains antibiotics.

Cinnamon and honey mixture

Cinnamon and honey to lose 3 kilos of weight per week

• Ingredients: Half a tablespoon of cinnamon, a cup of hot water and a tablespoon of organic honey.

• Preparation: Add cinnamon to hot water, stirring. Then, add organic honey, stirring well.
Drink the mixture of honey and cinnamon 30 minutes before breakfast, which activates the digestive system and stimulate digestion and extend the body energy. Eating the mixture between meals reduces the feeling of hunger.

Before exercising
Eating cinnamon and honey before exercise makes the benefits of heart exercises more effective, as honey helps to continue the exercise, and cinnamon stimulates the metabolism.

Before immortality to sleep
The difference between dinner and immortality may be the most difficult one, in terms of trying to lose weight. Therefore, the mixture of cinnamon and honey can be taken before immortality to sleep, because it limits the need to eat at night, and helps sleep better.

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